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Our made-to-measure brand brings to affordable and stylish casual wear offer clients tremendous choice at an extraordinary value.

YAP Artistry of bespoke commitment to craft.
"There is nothing more satisfying than designing a garment that fits every aspect of a client – from their measurements to their personality. That is what YAP Empowering Youth, private label of Feshion Trends is all about."

As private label of feshion trends what sets us apart !
True artistry is at the heart of every brand brings to each piece is bench-made by a YAP, ensuring our garments are unified works worthy of an artist’s signature. Bespoke feature full canvas construction, hand rolled lapels, hand sewn buttonholes, hand pick stitching and top quality trims such as riri zippers and genuine horn buttons. This commitment to craft is virtually unheard of in today’s world of mass production, but the difference is undeniable. When a bespoke suit is sewn by hand, its component pieces move with greater freedom, providing more flexibility and range of motion in the finished garment. Feel for yourself the luxury of handmade YAP products.

YAP starts with a great idea of providing quality service to our clients especially the youth, who are playing a crucial role in the upliftment of the fashion industry. Our goal is to help more people achieve better by providing safe working environment and encouraging healthy lifestyle. We aim to be fair and honest with the team members and to provide them with meaningful challenging work. Our business model is designed to ensure that you can trust us to always have your needs in mind first not our profits . We are obligated to provide honest, ethical and professional dealings with our partners, vendors, sub-contractors,clients, banks, agencys etc. With the pandemic that had caused people lose their jobs and careers , YAP shows a new path for a great future.

We’ve worked very hard towards building a team of seriously cool and talented people and we want you to know who they are. You can get a glimpse of their style and lives on our website, by signing up for our mailers or following us on Instagram. (@dsyap) We’ll know we’re successful not through skyrocketing numbers but if we manage to build a community of customers who cares for us as deeply as we care for them. Keep coming back to us and tell us what you love, there’s nothing that makes us happier!